Photo Contest

Welcome to CAYMAN BRAC BEACH Resort

What Makes a Winning Photo of the Year

Our photo pros evaluate contenders for photo of the year based on these primary criteria.


Is this a photo of a subject we haven’t seen or does it show us a different perspective on subjects frequently submitted?


Is the subject artistically framed in the photo with the “hero” of the image being easily identifiable?

Bigger File Size is Better

Technical Skill

Are the lighting, focus, camera settings, and color “right” in taking the photo or corrected in post-production?


Does the photo tell an interesting story with an emotional impact that makes viewers want to “dive in” and learn more – preferably without requiring explanation?

Smaller File Size is Bad

If your photo is very small or if it contains a watermark, that may negatively impacts your opportunity to win  So make your photo settings on  your camera the highest resolution possible and omit the watermarks.

2024 Winners So Far...